
Plans that let you grow

Just want to share things for free? We got you covered. Looking to make some money? There's a plan for that too. Looking to build a full-fledged online course platform? We've got you covered as well.

Share your knowledge with unlimited free courses and a custom Creator home page, all backed by your own Notion content. For free!
Creator Home Page
Unlimited free courses
Unlimited alumni
Basic stats
Become a professional and charge for your online courses. Access full usage statistics and faster support
Everything in Free plus...
Paid courses
0% comission from us
You keep all proceedings*
Full usage statisticsComing soon
Priority support
7-day trial period
$19 / month
All the benefits of Pro plus...
Zapier & Make integration
Full API access
Custom CSS
Custom WebhooksComing soon
15-day trial period
$29 / month
Let's create a course
courses dashboard